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主题 : 2009-03-06VOA
级别: 中级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-03-06   


It's 15: 00 Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America. LwuF0\  
I'm David De Forest from the VOA News Center in Washington. I NSkgOo  
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling on NATO and Russia to make a new start in their relations which were suspended when Russian troops swept into Georgia last year. The secretary told in the NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels the time has come to explore a new start with Russia. Attending her first NATO meeting since assuming her post, Clinton called for constructive efforts, scenarios of common interest, arms control and help for the people of Afghanistan. 1\L[i];L8  
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Earlier NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer formally recommended that re-engagement with Russians comes sooner rather than later. But some alliance members including Lithuania call such steps premature. ?yXAu0  
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Thousands demonstrated and supported Sudan's president in Khartoum a day after the International Criminal Court approved an arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir. President Bashir lashed out the court efforts, calling them neocolonialists. Barry Kioner has more from VOA's east-Africa bureau in Nairobi. 9^F2$+T[:  
For the second day in the row, crowds in Sudan's capital Khartoum gathered to show their support for President Omar al-Bashir, shouting slogans and brandishing signs criticizing the International Criminal Court and its chief prosecutor. t j Vh^  
Dancing and waving his famous cane in front of the crowd, Omar al-Bashir railed against the court and the supporters accusing them of trying to exploit Sudan in its resources. "We did not need colonialism", he said. He said the government would combat any attempts to destabilize the country. Sudanese officials have said they will lead diplomatic effort to suspend the ICC warrant. The African Union which is opposed the warrant was meeting in Addis Ababa Thursday and China's government called for the warrant to be withdrawn. UFn8kBk  
The Sudanese government also announced the expulsion of ten international aid agencies including OXFAM, Save for Children and International Rescue Committee from Darfur. And there were reports that more groups could follow. // for VOA News in Nairobi. O$ !* %TL  
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Egyptian officials say Somalia pirates have released an Egyptian cargo ship and its 28-member crew after more than two months in captivity. The officials say the cargo ship Blue Star was released Thursday following negotiations with captors. It's not clear whether a ransom was paid. %1McD{  
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The number of American signing up for unemployment compensation decreased slightly last week but the number still painted a grim picture of the US job market. Thursday's report from the Labour Department shows just over five million US workers were collecting jobless benefits for more than one week. The slight decline from the previous weeks record high. Another government report says US workers were less productive as the economy shrank faster than companies were able to cut jobs and hours. o5Rz%k#h  
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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says he's confident China's economy will be able to grow about 8% this year. That despite unprecedented challenges presented by the global financial crisis. And in an address Thursday before the opening session of China's top legislature, the National People's Congress, Mr. Wen said the economy will be fine if it adopts what he calls "the right policies and measures". X}4}&  
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Pakistani officials continued to search for gunmen who participated in Tuesday's ambush of Sri Lankan Cricket Team, but have announced no arrests. VOA'S Barry Newhouse reports from Islamabad. ek-!b!iI  
Foreign players and umpires who came under fire have returned home but they are continuing to criticize the Pakistani security forces charged with protecting them. The gun, grenade, and rocket attack killed seven Pakistanis and wounded six Sri Lankan players and their assistant coach. Australian umpire Steve Davis was travelling in a van with other umpires behind the Sri Lankan Team bus. {M~lbU  
"We were certainly left without any security in that van when we were been fired upon. Security officers went with the Sri Lankan bus when they managed to get away with it. We left no one come back for us. " %EbiMo ]3B  
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Pakistan's top cricket official has dismissed similar claims by other players and umpires, citing the six police who died trying protect the convoy. Video footage of the attack filmed by Pakistani news crews as well as security camera tapes from shops near the ambush site showed attackers almost casually flee. One camera filmed two attackers walking down a commercial street carrying assault rifles before hopping on the motorcycle and driving off. Barry Newhouse, VOA News, Islamabad. o#i ]"  
On Wall Street US stock indexes are down at this hour. ML!9:vz  
I'm David DeForest, VOA News. More news on the internet at voanews. com.









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