1-antitrypsin,α1-ATα1-抗胰蛋白酶 Q[)3r
acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS急性呼吸窘迫综合征
adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS成人呼吸窘迫综合征 l'7'G$v
alveolar emphysema肺泡性肺气肿 $bl<mG%#9
aspiration pneumonia吸入性肺炎 '0v]?mM
asbesesis石棉肺 Zi{vEI ]
asteroid body星形体 +]p/.-Uw
boneycomb lung蜂窝肺 gO#%*
bronchial asthma支气管哮喘 O Ke
bronchiectasis支气管扩张症 SB,#y>Zv?
bronchioalvolar carcinoma细支气管肺泡癌 P q1 j
bronchogenic carcinoma支气管癌 .EZ8yJj1Q
bronchopneumonia支气管肺炎 Z-3("%_$/
bullae lung肺大泡 a]!u
carcinoma of the larynx喉癌 08/Tk+
carcinoma of the lung肺癌 NIHcX6Nw
centriacinar emphysema腺泡中央型肺气肿 pnUL+UYeM
chronic bronchitis慢性支气管炎 ;H9 W:_ahE
chronic cor pulmonale慢性肺源性心脏病 -Gjz+cRns
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, COPD慢性阻塞性肺病 LI>Bl
compensatory emphysema代偿性肺气肿 5b->pc
compensatory emphysema代偿性肺气肿 @
confluent bronchopneumonia融合性小叶性肺炎 rpc;*t+z
elastase弹性蛋白酶 ?*6Q;.f<
hypostatic pneumonia坠积性肺炎 5a4i)I63o
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF特发性肺纤维化 N{<5)L~Y
interlenkin,IL白细胞介素 Q.Y
interstitial emphysema间质性肺气肿 JOyM#g9-?
legionaires disease军团菌病 89t"2|9 u
legionella pneumonia军团菌性肺炎 2fXwJG'
lobar pneumonia大叶性肺炎 (
lobular pneumonia小叶性肺炎 s
lobule肺小叶 $ago
muscularization of arterioles无肌细动脉肌化 /T2 v`Li
mycoplasmal pneumonia支原体肺炎
nasopharyngeal carcinoma鼻咽癌 } ?MbU6"
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, NRDS新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征 n4.\}%=z
obstructive emphysema阻塞性肺气肿 aGAr24]y
overinflation过度充气 di7cCn
panacinar emphysema全腺泡型肺气肿 )~`UDaj_
paracicatrical emphysema瘢痕旁肺气肿 +pQ3bX
paraseptal emphysema隔旁肺气肿 c4zGQoeH:
periacinar emphysema腺泡周围型肺气肿 OGO\u#
pneumoconiosis肺尘埃沉着症 QB !%
pneumocystis pneumonia卡氏肺孢菌性肺炎 2*]
pneumocystis carinii卡氏肺孢菌 /FjdcH=
pneumonia肺炎 wk'&n^_br
pulmonary acinus肺腺泡 KOoV'YSC[(
pulmonary carnification肺肉质变 xNa66A-8
pulmonary cystic fibrosis肺囊性纤维化 #o,FVYYj
pulmonary emphysema肺气肿 ?}= $zN
sarcoidosis结节病 Z~[eG"6zI
senile emphysema老年性肺气肿 mHa
silicosis肺硅沉着症 s'OK])>`
silicotic nodule硅结节 &.PAIe.
silicotuberculosis硅肺结核病 igEqty!.
viral pneumonia病毒性肺炎 ?mN!9/DIc