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主题 : 2024全国医学博士英语作文预测:新冠病毒与流感有什么区别
级别: 总版主
楼主  发表于: 2023-07-21   
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The novel coronavirus, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has now spread to 12 countries, has much in common with seasonal flu. They are both viral infections, share similar symptoms and - crucially - can spread from human to human. In the midst of flu season in much of the northern hemisphere, telling the difference between the two will be vital in stopping its spread. HYgq@47$[  
  起源于中国武汉市的新型冠状病毒已扩散至12个国家,与季节性流感有很多相似之处。它们都是病毒感染,有相似的症状,最重要的是,可以在人与人之间传播。北半球大部分地区正处于流感季节,区分两者对于阻止新型冠状病毒的传播至关重要。 .K(IRWuw  
  Are the symptoms similar to that of the flu? iMnp `:*  
  新型冠状病毒感染症状与流感相似吗? ^s25z=^t  
  Human coronaviruses, of which there are four, can cause respiratory infections similar to flu: while many symptoms are mild, both can lead to pneumonia and become lethal. However, the novel coronavirus is more serious than a "typical influenza infection," says Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading. Pms"YhyZ7  
  人类冠状病毒(一共有四种)可引起类似流感的呼吸道感染:虽然许多症状很轻微,但两者都可导致肺炎并致命。然而,雷丁大学的病毒学教授伊恩·琼斯说,这种新型冠状病毒比“典型的流感感染”更为严重。 [ `P+{ R  
  "This virus appears to go further down into the lungs than would generally be the case, therefore giving you symptoms of pneumonia: the lungs becoming flooded, they don't function very well and the patient gets into breathing difficulty." XW6>;:4k  
  “这种病毒似乎更容易深入肺部,因此会出现肺炎的症状:肺部积水,肺功能不佳,病人呼吸困难。” &?(r# T  
  Why is it more feared than the flu? >^%]F[Wo  
  为什么它比流感更可怕? %&bO+$H3  
  While the mortality rates and symptoms of flu and novel coronavirus may end up being similar, humans' ability to fight off the viruses differ greatly. X}`|"NIk.  
  虽然流感和新型冠状病毒的死亡率和症状可能很相似,但人类抗击病毒的能力却有很大不同。 `[V]xP%V  
  Humans have naturally built up antibodies to seasonal flu and scientists have developed annual vaccines to fight it. During a pandemic, which the new coronavirus has the potential to become, "there is no immunity in the population so you have potential for a global spread," warns Jones. M{+Ie?ZI  
  人类天生就会对季节性流感产生抗体,科学家们每年都会研制出流感疫苗。琼斯警告说,这种新型冠状病毒有可能成为流行病,“人们普遍对此没有免疫力,因此有可能在全球范围内传播。” MyZ@I7Fb,  
  There is also a widespread familiarity with flu, which dampens concern. As with the Ebola epidemic and the Zika virus, both of which peaked in the middle of the last decade, fears around the new coronavirus are compounded due to a lack of knowledge over its nature. XGZ1a/x;s  
  人们对流感也很熟悉,这降低了人们的担忧。正如同在2015年前后达到顶峰的埃博拉病毒和寨卡病毒,由于对其性质缺乏了解,人们对这种新型冠状病毒的担忧加剧。 Y5fwmH,a-  
  Is it as easy to catch as the flu? uzL)qH$b  
  它和流感一样容易传染吗? HK>!%t0S  
  Flu can spread from person to person from up to six feet away, largely caused by liquid emitted when the inflicted cough or sneeze. Those infected are usually contagious for around three days following the beginning of their illness, although this time-frame could stretch to over a week. c@)k#/[[b  
  流感可以在相隔6英尺的人们之间传播,主要是由患者咳嗽或打喷嚏时的飞沫引起。感染者通常在发病后三天左右具有传染性,不过传染期可能会延长至一周以上。 IbQ3*  
  All this and more remains a mystery in regards to the new coronavirus. To understand the virility of the outbreak, Jones urges a focus on whether or not international cases lead to secondary infections. "If they don't," he explains, "it would suggest that the virus doesn't transmit quite so well: clearly all the people on the airplane (that traveled from an infected zone) didn't get it." <Yfk7Un  
  而对于新型冠状病毒来说,所有这些仍然是一个谜。为了了解疫情的严重性,琼斯敦促关注国际病例是否会导致第二代传播。他解释说:“如果没有,那就意味着病毒传播力减弱:很明显,飞机上的所有人(从疫区起飞)都没有感染。” ']1j M n  
  What you should do if you think you have it? gQf'|%)AJ  
  如果你认为患病了,应该怎么做? uJ,>Y# ?  
  Medical advice is similar across those countries with confirmed cases of the infection. In France, ?authorities are asking those who think they are infected to call an ambulance rather than visiting a hospital, where they could potentially pass on the virus. Similar advice has been issued in China and Germany. %^xY7!{  
  在有确诊感染病例的国家,医嘱是类似的。在法国,当局要求那些认为自己被感染的人叫救护车,而不是去医院,因为他们可能会把病毒传给其他人。中国和德国也提出了类似的建议。 ZRO   









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