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主题 : 十七大报告中英文版2
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2008-01-14   


在看到成绩的同时,也要清醒认识到,我们的工作与人民的期待还有不小差距,前进中还面临不少困难和问题,突出的是:经济增长的资源环境代价过大;城乡和区域、经济社会发展仍然不平衡;农业稳定发展和农民持续增收难度加大;劳动就业、社会保障、收入分配、教育卫生、居民住房、安全生产、司法和社会治安等方面关系群众切身利益的问题仍然较多,部分低收入群众生活比较困难;思想道德建设有待加强;党的执政能力同新形势新任务不完全适应,对改革发展稳定一些重大实际问题的调查研究不够深入;一些基层党组织软弱涣散;少数党员干部作风不正,形式主义、官僚主义问题比较突出,奢侈浪费、消极腐败现象仍然比较严重。我们要高度重视这些问题,继续认真加以解决。 8}ii3Py  
While recognizing our achievements, we must be well aware that they still fall short of the expectations of the people and that there are still quite a few difficulties and problems on our way forward. The outstanding ones include the following: Our economic growth is realized at an excessively high cost of resources and the environment. There remains an imbalance in development between urban and rural areas, among regions, and between the economy and society. It has become more difficult to bring about a steady growth of agriculture and continued increase in farmers' incomes. There are still many problems affecting people's immediate interests in areas such as employment, social security, income distribution, education, public health, housing, work safety, administration of justice and public order; and some low-income people lead a rather difficult life. More efforts are needed to promote ideological and ethical progress. The governance capability of the Party falls somewhat short of the need to deal with the new situation and tasks. In-depth investigations and studies have yet to be conducted on some major practical issues related to reform, development and stability. Some primary Party organizations are weak and lax. A small number of Party cadres are not honest and upright, their formalism and bureaucratism are quite conspicuous, and extravagance, waste, corruption and other undesirable behavior: are still serious-problems with them. We must pay close attention to these problems and continue our efforts to solve them. l2z`<2mp  
总起来说,这五年,是改革开放和全面建设小康社会取得重大进展的五年,是我国综合国力大幅提升和人民得到更多实惠的五年,是我国国际地位和影响显著提高的五年,是党的创造力、凝聚力、战斗力明显增强和全党全国各族人民团结更加紧密的五年。实践充分证明,十六大和十六大以来中央作出的各项重大决策是完全正确的。  aOaF&6'j  
To sum up, the past five years was a period in which substantial progress was made in reform, opening up and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. During this period, China's overall strength grew considerably and the people enjoyed more tangible benefits. China's international standing and influence rose notably. The creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Party increased significantly, and the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups became more united. Facts have proved that the major policy decisions made by the Central Committee at and since the Sixteenth Congress are perfectly correct. XfD z #  
五年来的成就,是全党全国各族人民共同奋斗的结果。我代表中共中央,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界爱国人士,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞和台湾同胞以及广大侨胞,向一切关心和支持中国现代化建设的各国朋友,表示衷心的感谢! Q=)"om  
Our achievements over the past five years are attributed to the concerted efforts of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups. On behalf of the Central Committee, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of all ethnic groups, the democratic parties, people's organizations and patriots from all walks of life, to our compatriots in the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao and in Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese nationals, and to our foreign friends who care about and support China's modernization drive! 1\ M"`L/  
二、改革开放的伟大历史进程  O6M}W_  
II. The Great Historical Course of Reform and Qpening Up >DSNKU+j  
我们即将迎来改革开放三十周年。一九七八年,我们党召开具有重大历史意义的十一届三中全会,开启了改革开放历史新时期。从那时以来,中国共产党人和中国人民以一往无前的进取精神和波澜壮阔的创新实践,谱写了中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进新的壮丽史诗,中国人民的面貌、社会主义中国的面貌、中国共产党的面貌发生了历史性变化。 MYur3lj%_  
We will soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the start of reform and opening up. In 1978, the Party held the historic Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, which ushered in the new historical period of reform and opening up. Since then, the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people have, in an indomitable enterprising spirit and with their spectacular practice of innovation, composed a new epic recounting the Chinese nation's ceaseless efforts to make progress and become stronger, and historic changes have taken place in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist China and the CPC. 48R]\B<R{  
改革开放是党在新的时代条件下带领人民进行的新的伟大革命,目的就是要解放和发展社会生产力,实现国家现代化,让中国人民富裕起来,振兴伟大的中华民族;就是要推动我国社会主义制度自我完善和发展,赋予社会主义新的升级活力,建设和发展中国特色社会主义;就是要在引领当代中国发展进步中加强和改进党的建设,保持和发展党的先进性,确保党始终走在时代前列。 yffU% )  
Reform and opening up represent a great new revolution carried on by the people under the Party's leadership in a new era to release and develop the productive forces, modernize the country, bring prosperity to the Chinese people and rejuvenate the great Chinese nation; to promote the self-improvement and development of China's socialist system, inject new vitality into socialism, and build and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics; and to improve the building of the Party as it leads contemporary China in development and progress, preserve and enhance its vanguard nature, and ensure that it is always in the forefront of the times. vHZX9LQU0+  
我们要永远铭记,改革开放伟大事业,是在以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体创立毛泽东思想,带领全党全国各族人民建立新中国、取得社会主义革命和建设伟大成就以及艰辛探索社会主义建设规律取得宝贵经验的基础上进行的。新民主主义革命的胜利,社会主义基本制度的建立,为当代中国一切发展进步奠定了根本政治前提和制度基础。 >w%d'e$  
We must never forget that the great cause of reform and opening up was conducted on a foundation laid by the Party's first generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong at its core, which founded Mao Zedong Thought, led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in establishing the People's Republic and scoring great achievements in our socialist revolution and. construction, and gained invaluable experience in its painstaking exploration for laws governing socialist construction. The victory in the new-democratic revolution and the establishment of the basic system of socialism provided the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional basis for every inch of development and progress in contemporary China. SSSDl$}'t  
我们要永远铭记,改革开放伟大事业,是以邓小平同志为核心的党的第二代中央领导集体带领全党全国各族人民开创的。面对十年“文化大革命”造成的危难局面,党的第二代中央领导集体坚持解放思想、实事求是,以巨大的政治勇气和理论勇气,科学评价毛泽东同志和毛泽东思想,彻底否定“以阶级斗争为纲”的错误理论和实践,作出把党和国家工作中心转移到经济建设上来、实行改革开放的历史性决策,确立社会主义初级阶段基本路线,吹响走自己的路、建设中国特色社会主义的时代号角,创立邓小平理论,指引全党全国各族人民在改革开放的伟大征程上阔步前进。 z7NGpA(  
We must never forget that the great cause of reform and opening up was initiated by the Party's second generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping at its core leading the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the endeavor. 1n a precarious situation left by the "cultural revolution" (1966-76), the second generation of central collective leadership, persisting in emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts and displaying immense political and theoretical courage, made a scientific appraisal of Comrade Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought, thoroughly repudiated the erroneous theory and practice of "taking class struggle as the key link,'' and made the historic policy decision to shift the focus of the work of the Party and the state onto economic development and introduce reform and opening up. It established the basic line for the primary stage of socialism, sounded the clarion call of the times for taking our own road and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, founded Deng Xiaoping Theory, and led the whole Parry and the people of all ethnic groups in striding forward on the great journey of reform and opening up. U*`  
我们要永远铭记,改革开放伟大事业,是以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代中央领导集体带领全党全国各族人民继承、发展并成功推向二十一世纪的。从十三届四中全会到十六大,受命与重大历史关头的党的第三代中央领导集体,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,坚持改革开放、与时俱进,在国内外政治风波、经济风险等严峻考验面前,依靠党和人民,捍卫中国特色社会主义,创建社会主义市场经济新体制,开创全面开放新局面,推进党的建设新的伟大工程,创立“三个代表”重要思想,继续引领改革开放的航船沿着正确方向破浪前进。 ?qq!%4mTB  
We must never forget that the great cause of reform and opening up was carried on, developed and successfully carried l into the 21st century by the Party's third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin at its core leading the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups on this mission. From the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee through the Sixteenth Congress, the third generation of central collective leadership, which took over the helm at a critical historical juncture, held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, pressed ahead with reform and opening up and kept up with the times. Relying on the Party and the people, it stood the severe tests of political turbulences and economic risks at home and abroad, safeguarded socialism with Chinese characteristics, initiated the new, socialist market economy and ushered in a new phase of all-round opening up; and it advanced the great new undertaking to build the Party, founded the important thought of Three Represents, and steered the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right course.









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