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feifei52 2009-03-16 20:52


With the collapse of the medieval structure, and the beginning of the modern mode of production, the meaning and function of work changed fundamentally, especially in the Protestant countries. Man, being afraid of his newly won freedom, was obsessed by the need to subdue his doubts and fears by developing a feverish activity. The outcome of this activity, success or failure, decided his salvation, indicating whether he was among the saved or lost souls. Work, instead of being an activity satisfying in itself and pleasurable, became a duty and an obsession. The more it was possible to gain riches by work, the more it became a pure means to the aim of wealth and success. Work became, in Max Weber's terms, the chief factor in a system of "inner-worldly asceticism," an answer to man's sense of aloneness and isolation.

罗布丝 2009-03-17 11:17

tengtengteng 2009-03-17 11:49

frogm 2009-03-18 14:49

morning.lee 2009-03-18 15:20

nalaidefeng 2009-03-19 09:27

esam 2009-03-25 20:55

zh_sober 2009-04-23 10:05

faint001 2010-08-30 10:27

xian1000 2011-01-18 15:48

simo17 2011-03-28 16:38
没有中文翻译么? /dCZoz~~T  

贝贝小甜 2011-11-23 11:28

木呢17 2017-02-17 10:00

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