主题 : 今年考博有可能考金融危机
flywoud 离线
级别: 禁止发言
楼主  发表于: 2008-11-22 09:30


大家想过没有? zT4SI'r?f  
引入一些 9\y\{DHd  
你理解当前的金融危机吗? O1[`2kj^HB  
普通人对自己的经济运转状况不是十分清楚,因此,完全被经济运转过程中出现的大量错误信息所左右。经济状况的主要功能是反映经济是否独立,因此应该了解它的运转情况。 H}vq2|MN  
  眼前你最应该知道的是无债一身轻。如果你有债务,就会受到金融机构催还债务的摆布。那会给你的资财带来巨大压力,也会使你为了过关不得不加倍努力。你应确保自己在任何金融机构决定催还借款的时候都不易受到影响,除非你准备申请破产。 ^N# z&oh  
  经济危机迟早会结束,如果不能设法让自己平稳度过危机,最终麻烦会一直跟着你。经济危机结束之时,你当然愿意处在生活无忧的境地,而不愿处理遗留下来的老问题。 D[#6jJ Ab  
  你不必完全了解经济危机,但要尽可能地关注它的发展,了解它对你的影响。最值得注意的是美国陷入了债务的困境,信用证上积累了不良信用记录。这就好比一个孩子欠了很多无法还清的债,家长说没关系,并承担了所有债务,帮忙偿还。债还清了,孩子却没得到任何教训,更不用说他们会一而再,再而三地复这个错误。 6)5Akyz4V  
  在这种情况下,避开麻烦的最好办法是捂紧腰包,谨慎消费。这样做有点难受,但是,如果不在乎,你比联邦政府也好不到哪里。继续像什么都没发生似地生活下去是对财产的不负责任。 cug=k  
  政府能做很多确保经济活动不再偏离轨道的事情,希望他们能像成人那样处事稳妥,而不要像个孩子。 {XR 3L'X  
Are you au par with the financial crises affecting the world now? This article is written as events unfold in the international arena. When did it all started? That was around mid-July 2007. What happen then was that, due to the finance industry realising that most of their institutions would have to write-off large amounts of money related to the sub-prime mortgage crisis, they also became unwilling to lend any money to other financial institutions therefore effectively clogging the financial system. G)cEUEf d  
In practical terms, we moved from a time of easy and cheap credit, which was the delight of high debt laden companies, to one of no-credit or at least expensive credit. One characteristic of the current credit situation is the large spreads in fixed interest assets, that is, that the difference between interest charged and interest paid is much larger than usual reflecting the current difficult conditions. Z @f4=  
V d`}F0WD  
One question that imposes itself here is: what exactly is the sub-prime mortgage debacle? The explanation of that will lead us to find out what institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do. Basically, during the last housing boom in the US many loans for home purchase were made to people who couldn’t really pay them. They end up defaulting their repayments and this event sent ripples through the finance industry. ^&8FwV]  
Front-line banks, that is, banks that lend directly to the mortgage borrower, sell their loans to institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are intermediaries in the financial system. These then bundle the mortgage loans, discount them and on-sell them to other financial institutions such as investment and retail banks, insurance companies and municipalities and other state and private organisations. The motto was that this was bricks and mortar money and so totally safe. But obviously it was a castle of cards that crumbled by itself. All of these organisations haven now been through the process of writing-off such amounts taking large losses in the process.
From:上海市有线通 顶端
nalaidefeng 离线
级别: 中级博友
沙发  发表于: 2008-11-22 10:57
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