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主题 : 华中科技大学2016年考博英语汉译英原文
级别: 论坛版主
楼主  发表于: 2016-03-25   


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates used to memorize employees’ license plate numbers so that he could keep track of when they were arriving at work and leaving. W0\ n?$ZC~  
微软公司联合创始人比尔·盖茨曾通过记住员工的车牌号来观察他们到达和离开公司的时间。 rOTxD/  
Gates, who is now co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, described his intense management style from Microsoft’s early days during an interview on the BBC Radio 4 program “Desert Island Discs.” OR<%h/ \f  
盖茨是比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会的现任联合主席,他在英国BBC第四广播电台的节目“荒岛唱片”中自爆在微软创立初期曾非常严苛地管理公司。 "W@>lf?"  
"I had to be a little careful not to try and apply my standards to how hard others at the company worked. I knew everybody’s license plate so I could look out the parking lot and see, you know, when people come in,” he said. “Eventually I had to loosen up as the company got to a reasonable size." ueLdjASJ  
“我需要提醒自己不能再用对自己的标准去要求公司员工了。我知道每个人的车牌号,所以我只要观察一下停车场,就可以知道他们什么时候到达公司。但是公司规模扩大到一定程度以后,我不得不放松下来。” KA{ JSi  
Gates was 19 when he dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1975. He stepped down as the CEO of the software giant in 2000 and stepped down as the company’s chairman in 2014. R=<uf:ca  
盖茨1975年从哈佛大学退学,与保罗·艾伦一起创办了微软公司,那时候他只有19岁。他于2000年辞去这个软件巨头公司首席执行官一职,并于2014年不再担任微软董事长。 SGUZ'}  
The philanthropist also described his relationship with Apple co-founder and tech icon Steve Jobs during the radio interview. B j z@X  
在电台访问中,这位慈善家也谈到了他和苹果公司联合创办人、科技届标志性人物史蒂夫·乔布斯的关系。 m:]60koz]o  
"Steve really is a singular person in the history of personal computing in terms of what he built at Apple,” he said. “For some periods, we were completely allies working together - I wrote software for the original Apple II. Sometimes he would be very tough on you, sometimes he’d be very encouraging. He got really great work out of people.”  `s~[q  
“史蒂夫在苹果公司有卓越的成就,他绝对是个人计算机历史上独一无二的人物。有一段时间,我们作为合作伙伴在一起工作,那时候我在为苹果二代编程序。他有时候非常严苛,有时候又会给人鼓励。他可以把人们的无限潜能激发出来。” ';KZ.D  
Gates also described how his relationship with Jobs changed over the years. The former Apple CEO lost his battle with pancreatic cancer in 2011. I`S?2i2H  
盖茨还描述了这些年他和乔布斯之间关系的变化。这位苹果公司前任执行总裁在2011年因胰腺癌逝世。 pe>[Ts`2F  
"In the early years, the intensity had always been about the project, and so when Steve got sick, it was far more mellow in terms of talking about our lives and our kids,” he said. “Steve was an incredible genius, and I was more of an engineer than he was. But anyway, it was fun. It was more of a friendship that was reflective, although tragically then he couldn’t overcome the cancer and died." )|`w;F>  
“早些年,我们因为工作高度紧张,史蒂夫生病后,我们的谈话变得非常温和轻松,都是在讨论生活和孩子。他是绝妙的天才,和他相比,我只是一名工程师。这一切都很有趣。我们之间的关系更像是朋友,但是很不幸他最终没能战胜癌症,离开了我们。” 0xzS9  
On “Desert Island Discs” guests are invited to choose the eight records that they would take with them to a desert island. Among his selections, Gates chose “Under Pressure” by David Bowie and Queen, Jimi Hendrix’s “Are You Experienced” and “How Can Love Survive” from “The Sound of Music.” vxl!`$Pi  
“荒岛唱片”这个节目会请嘉宾选择八张想要带去荒岛的唱片。盖茨选择了大卫·鲍伊和皇后乐队的"Under Pressure",吉米·亨德里克斯"Are You Experienced", 和音乐之声原声带"How Can Love Survive".








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