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ͼ±íÄÚÓÐһЩ×ÊÁÏ£¨Table of information£© n C^'2z
Ò»³ÌÐò»ò²½Öèͼ£¨Diagram of stages of processor procedure£© Ipe; %as#
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According to the 5h1j.t!
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We can see from the RjDFc:bB
It is clear from the JI&>w-~D
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The number of (cars) 6voK{C4J
VERB + ADVERB FORM increased jumped rose significantly decreased dropped fell fluctuated slightly suddenly rapidly dramatically sharply steeply steadily gradually slowly from (June) to (December). between (June) and (December). There was a (very) k=@Q#=;*[W
ADJECTIVE + NOUN FORM sudden rapid dramatic significant sharp steep steady gradual slow slight increase jump rise decrease drop fall fluctuation 7,1idY%cy
in the number of (cars) from ... to ... in the number of (cars) between ... and ... z,9qAts?mh
²¢²»ÊÇÿ¸ö´Ê¶¼ÄÜÅäºÏ£¬ÀýÈçsharp fluctuation. >b?,zWiw
ÒÔϵľ䷨ÊÇÓÃÓÚÃèÊöÎȶ¨×ÊÁÏ 9hv\%_>o
The number of (cars sold) remained c|7Pnx%gT
steady stable from (June) to (December). hCmOSDym
between (June) to (December). stayed the same #'T|,xIr-Q
There was little hardly any no change 1Jahu!c?
in the number of (cars sold) from ... to ... between ... and ...
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Steady drop e9
sharp rise peak )6(mf2&
dramatic fall t~AesHZpk
sharp drop through B0Z@ Cf
(to) bottom out V><P`
(to) reach the bottom gradual increase $d"6y
(to) reach a plateau (~P&$$qfD
(to) remain steady )S%mKdOm
ÒÔÏÂÊÇÈçºÎÃèÊö×î¸ßµã»ò×îµÍµãµÄ²Î¿¼¾ä×Ó£º HZ|6&9w
The monthly profit The figures The situation peaked in December. at 20% reached a peak a high (point) bottomed out reached rock the bottom a low (point) hit a trough Óö¯´ÊµÄʱºò£¬ÒªÐ¡ÐÄ×¢Òâʱʽ£¨tense£©ºÍÓï̬£¨Voice£©ÊÇ·ñÇ¡µ±£¬Èç¹ûÊÇÒªÃèÊöʼþ¹ý³Ì»ò²½Ö裬ӦÓÃÏÖÔÚʽ£¨present tense£©ºÍ±»¶¯´Ê£¨passive voice£©À´ÃèÊöÿ¸ö¹ý³Ì»ò²½Öè¡£ ÄúÒ²¿ÉÓö¯Ãû´Ê£*****erund£©ºÍ²»¶¨´Ê£¨Infinitive£©À´¼ÓÇ¿¾ä×ÓµÄÍêÕûÐÔ¡£ MT9a 1 >
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The second stage involves conducting suitable research. H`y- "L8q
Notes are taken from available literature at the library. j#*K[
Writing the first draft is the third stage. 'g^]ZTxb
6. дºÃ½áÂÛ EGs z{c[8@
Writing Task 1 ²¢²»Í¬Writing Task 2£¬Äú²¢²»ÐèÒª·Ö¶Îд½áÂÛ£¨Conclusion£©£¬ÒòΪÄú²¢²»ÐèÒª·¢±íÈκθöÈËÒâ¼û¡£Í¨³£Writing Task 1 ÎÄÕµÄ×îºóÒ»¾ä»á±»ÊÓΪ½áÂ۾䡣 34oC285yc
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Dear Sir(1), v7ae^iU
(2) I am writing to you because I am unable to pay next month¡¯s rent which is due on Saturday. Unfortunately, the other day I lost my wallet, and there was a large amount of money inside. I have,(3) therefore, had to write to my parents to ask them to send me some money urgently. As soon as it arrives, I will immediately notify you and arrange to pay by cash or cheque. I hope that this does not cause you too much inconvenience. There are also some problems with the flat that I wish to bring to your attention. (4) First, the cold tap in the bathroom will not turn off properly, and the water is dripping constantly. This will need to be fixed quickly because it is wasting water. Second, one of the back rings on the top of the oven does not work at all. I¡¯m sorry that I cannot pay the rent on time, and trust that you will understand. (5) Yours sincerely, Mary Campisi 7.5G4
1¡¢±êÌâ²»ÄÜд´í¡£ÈçÄú²»Öª¶Ô·½µÄÐÔ±ð£¬ÄúÓ¦¸ÃÓá°Sir/Madam¡±£» 2¡¢Ã¿¶ÎÓ¦Óв»Í¬µ«Çå³þµÄÒªµã¡£Äú¿ÉÓÃÒÔϾä×Ó×÷ΪÎÄÕ¿ªÊ¼£º¡°¡°I am writing to you because ...¡±¡°I am writing to you in reference to ...¡±£» 3¡¢ÓÃÊʵ±µÄÁ¬½Ó´ÊÈç¡°Therefore¡±£¬¡°However¡±ºÍ¡°Also¡±£» 4¡¢ÄúÒ²¿ÉÓÃ˳Ðò´ÊÈç¡°First¡±¡°Second¡±µÈ£» 5¡¢ÔÚÉÌÒµÐżþʱÓá°Your Sincerely¡±À´Íê½á¶øÔÚ˽ÈËÐżþʱÓá°Best wishes¡±£» 6¡¢¿ªÊ¼Ê±Ó¦ÏȽ»´ýдÐŵÄÔÒò¡£ÈçÐèҪдµÄÊÇÕýʽÐżþ£¬Ç§Íò²»ÒªÓá°How are you?¡±µÈ¾ä×÷¿ªÍ·£» 7¡¢Ö¤Ã÷³öÄúÒÑ×öµÄʺÍÏë×öµÄÊ£» 8¡¢ÈçÄúµÄÒªÇó»áÁîÈ˲»±ã£¬Äú¿ÉÓá°I hope¡±£» 9¡¢Äú±ØÐëдÆëËùÓÐÎÊÌâÒªÇó£¬ÄúËùдµÄÒªµã£¬·ñÔòÄúµÄ·ÖÊýÒ»¶¨²»»á¸ß£» 10¡¢Äú×îºóÒ»¾ä»ò×îºóÒ»¶Îͨ³£ÊÇÓÃÀ´ÖØÉêдÐŵÄÄ¿µÄ¡£ mU3UQ
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7. Á˽âÐë»Ø´ðµÄÄÚÈݺÍģʽ vOqYt42
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