“美中不足”,字面意思是“beautiful yet incomplete”,指总的方面虽然很好,但局部不够完善,有缺陷(a flaw in an apparently perfect thing)。与英文俗语“fly in the ointment”意思相近,表示“a flaw or imperfection that detracts from something positive;a drawback or detrimental factor”。 &}T`[ d_Z
人们往往因为兴趣、爱好、性格相互融洽而成为朋友,有的是志同道合,有的是臭味相投。 44%::Oh
“物以类聚,人以群分”,中文俗语,比喻同类的东西常聚在一起,合得来的人相聚成群,是朋友之间志同道合的统称,可分开使用。与英文习语“birds of a feather flock together”意思相近,表示“People who have similar interests, ideas, or characteristics tend to seek out or associate with one another”。 <R3S{ty
“哗众取宠”,汉语成语,意思是以浮夸的言行迎合大众,骗取大众的信赖和支持(court people's favour by saying something impressive; gain notoriety by shocking statements)。含贬义,形容轻浮好虚荣。 I">z#@CT
“守口如瓶”,是一个汉语成语,意思是闭口不谈,像瓶口塞紧了一般(keep one's mouth shut as that of a jar)。比喻说话谨慎,严守秘密,可以翻译为“seal one's lips”,或“ be tight-mouthed”。 boN)C?"^h
“大材小用”,汉语成语,意思是把大的材料用于小的用处(put fine timber to petty use),比喻人才使用不当,浪费人才,可以翻译为“make little use of a great talent,waste a talent on trivial job,put something big to small use”。 ]-* }-j`
“来龙去脉”,汉语成语,本指山脉的走势和去向,现比喻一件事的前因后果(cause and effect of an event),可以翻译为“ins and outs,origin and development或whole story”等。 PI?-gc?[