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主题 : issue大全5
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-02-19   


201."The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas— not to prepare them for a specific job." 201. 教育的目的应该是给学生提供一个价值系统,即一套标准理念,而不是只为了工作 $j? zEz  
A. The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of individuals and the significance of their life to themselves and to others. iTf]Pd'  
B. When education aims only at job preparation, it deteriorated into training. EqW/Wxv7b  
C. There is the need and the possibility to combine life preparation and job preparation. XcfvmlBoD-  
202"Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise." 202. 和伟大的思想家、艺术家不同,最好的政治领导应该经常听从民众的意愿,并且愿意为了妥协放弃原则。 Bp #:sAG  
leaders ,endowed with their distinguished insight ,often presents advanced policies that best put forword the group.unfortunately ,this excellence often deserves little resonance from the ordinary mass whose main priority still wanders on the level of immidiate profit or prosper to gain both material comfort and mental sham.inevitably   0s>ozAJ  
here comes from the best chance for the power of social skills.ostensible compromise often acts the role of gaining more time and chances to instill the workers with the essence of policies ,which,once catched,will certainly push the project .so it is unwise to equal the these two kinds of compromise. l42 3+vo  
in some cases ,despite the disgust from all of the workers ,effective leaders often appears in the monopoly form to carry out his plans ,most of which often prove their success in later stages =ELl86=CG  
of course ,in this I do not doubt certain cases where compromise often acts a successful role,especially when forces from various sources denies the smooth operation of the project. [wHGt?R  
203. "The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines." 203. 理解一个社会特征的最好的方法就是研究那个社会所认为的伟大人物 "UUzLa_  
A. A society chooses certain people as it heroes not because they mirror the society but rather because the society's members appreciate, wish they could emulate those traits of character. !% 'dyj  
B. Consider the sports hero, whom society chooses not merely by virtue of athletic strength. Some accomplished athletes we consider heroes because they have overcome significant obstacles to achieve their goals. lOk'stLNa&  
C. Consider the military heroes, who gain heroic stature by way of courage in battle, or by otherwise facing certain defeat. E?,O>bCJ5  
D. Consider the social political heroes, the champion of social causes who inspire and incites society to meaningful political and social change. People appreciate and adore them for the great contribution to the society and their personality charm. X8l|^ [2F  
(yh zjN~  
-u!{ 8S~wA  
204"We learn through direct experience; to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all." 204. 我们通过实践学习;没有通过实践而接受一个理论是根本学不到什么东西的。 " n, ? )  
A. It should be confessed that the best way to learn a theory is to put it into practice. PH6!T/2[  
B. By putting a theory into practice, we can either improve it or prove its truth. QQ1|]/)  
C. However, there is no need for us to experience every theory before accepting and benefiting from it nQy%av$  
yL ?dC"c  
205"As societies all over the world have more and more access to new information, the effects on life-long learning can only be positive." 205. 全世界的人越来越多地获取新的信息,所以人肯定是活到老学到老的。(不确定) /j}"4_. 8  
A. There is no doubt that the electronic media such as the Internet can make great contributions to life-long learning by providing people with on-line education throughout their lives. _ML`Vh]  
B. However, we should not equate information with education. jv<C#0E^  
C. There are still many problems to be solved before people everywhere in the world can use the Internet for life-long learning. )21yD1"6  
206"People are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible consequences of what they might do." 206. 人们行动太快了;他们应该停下来想一想他们这样做会得到什么结果。 'aLTiF+  
A. More haste, less speed. eaNMcC1  
B. It might be too difficult to persuade people to consider the possible impacts of their actions on themselves. \xtY\q,[  
C. People should also think of the impacts of their actions on other people. vh29mzum  
/b ]Yya#  
207."Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are." 207. 典礼和仪式有助于给一种文化下定义。没有典礼和仪式,人们就无法很好地了解自己。(不太通顺) -FxE!K  
A. I agree with the speaker insofar as one purpose of ritual and ceremony in today's world is to preserve cultural identity. d z-  
B. Preserving cultural identity cannot be the mere purpose of ritual and ceremony. In fact, isolated cultures that do not need to distinguish themselves to preserve their identity nevertheless engage in their own distinct rituals and ceremonies. The initial purpose of ritual and ceremony is rooted not in cultural identity but rather superstition and spiritual belief. #KFpT__F  
C. Ritual and ceremony are not the only means of preserving cultural identity. mmf}6ABYT  
208."The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people." 208. 人们的眼神、衣着和行动表现了他们的态度和兴趣。你可以通过观察人们的外表和行为来获知这个社会的想法和价值 j B.ZF7q  
A. People of different countries dress differently: the French dress romantically; the Americans dress colorfully; the Japanese dress formally. KV1/!r+*  
B. Changing in people’s dressing styles coincide with value changes and of a society. VH>?%aL  
C. The phenomenon that blue jeans or some other fashions have become international indicates the trend towards world culture homogeneity. =&9x}4`;%  
C VyYV &U,  
209."Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting points of view." 209. 进步/进展产生于持不同意见的人们的讨论 q-k~L\Ys  
A. The examples of progress through debates abound in the history of natural science. Our scientific method is essentially a call for progress through opposition. Any new theory must withstand rigorous scientific scrutiny. Moreover, the history of theoretical science is essentially a history of opposing theories. udld[f.  
B. In government and politics, progress in human rights comes typically through dissention from and challenge to the status quo; in fact, without disagreement among factions with opposing viewpoints, political oppression and tyranny would go unchecked.  + f+#W  
C. History informs us of the chilling effect suppression of free discourse and debate can have on progress. Example of the Soviet in 1920s. BZdryk:S  
210."Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work." 210. 大多数人找工作是基于钱这种很实际的考虑,费多大的劲找到工作,就希望拿多少薪水。很难得有人能从自己的潜质和兴趣出发去找一份特殊的工作 a ,EApUWw  
A. In an over-populated world, the job market is always the buyer’s market, which makes it almost impossible for job seekers to choose their career at will. +^@;J?O  
B. However, to be successful means to know what you are doing, to like what you are doing and to believe what you are doing. o 5;V=8T;  
211"Any decision-whether made by government, by a corporation, or by an individual person-must take into account future conditions more than present conditions." 211. 一个决定,不管是政府、企业还是个人做出的,都应该更多地考虑到将来的条件而不是眼前的条件 0}:wM':G  
A. Any decision that does not take into account future conditions will become obsolete as time passes by. 8B|qNf `Yi  
B. And we should remember that we can never be one hundred percent certain about what might occur in the future. O=A(x m#  
C. Meanwhile, if we ignore the present conditions, our decision will not work at all. Y, ?- []  
a YC[15?'  
212. "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable." 212. 只要一个目标是值得去实现的,那么任何努力都是有理由的。 =Y-ZI  
A. Theoretically, the means taken should be consistent with the ends in view. bq}hj Cy  
B. However, in order to restore peace and social order, individual states or the international community has repeatedly used force in history. 'x{E#4A  
C. We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests. kCuIEv@  
BY&+fK ae  
213"Too much emphasis has been placed on the need for students to challenge the assertions of others. In fact, the ability to compromise and work with others—that is, the ability to achieve social harmony—should be a major goal in every school." 213. 太多的重点放在教学生怎么挑战别人的主张上。实际上,培养妥协能力和与他人共同工作的能力,也就是促成社会和谐的能力应该被作为每个学校的教育目标 9pPohR*#V  
A. Critical thinking is key to students both academically and politically. > ]()#z  
B. It is necessary for students to criticize the views of each other in their studies, which does not necessarily lead to conflicts among them. REaU=-m-  
C. Compromising is harmful in academic pursuits. Js'#=  
214."Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise. these talents arc likely to remain undeveloped." 214. 社会应该找出那些具有特殊天才和特殊能力的孩子,并在他们小时候就训练他们,这样他们最终就能超越他们的同龄人。否则他们的特殊的潜能和可能就被浪费掉。 <,Z6=M`  
A. Unless certain innate talents are nurtured and cultivated in the right period of development, that is during early childhood the potential talent can be no longer meaningful. Theory of Developmental psychology. After all, how can a child who is musically gifted ever see those gifts come to fruition without access to a musical instrument? mh8{`W&  
B. If offered no chance for the talent to show, gifted children with special talents may live and learn in the same situation as the other common children, the special talent can be unnoticed and become dormant forever. That is great loss for the children and for the society. WF!u2E+  
C. Regarding to educational effectiveness, it is more fair and effective for all the children when they some children with special talents are identified .selected and received distinctive education. j1sZRl)D  
2X@| H  
215"The bombardment of visual images in contemporary society has the effect of making people less able to focus clearly and extensively on a single issue over a long period of time." 215. 当今社会大规模的视觉冲击使得人们在将来很长一段时间都不能对某个问题有清晰全面的看法。(不确定) QUSyVp{$  
A. Unless certain innate talents are nurtured and cultivated in the right period of development, that is during early childhood the potential talent can be no longer meaningful. Theory of Developmental psychology. After all, how can a child who is musically gifted ever see those gifts come to fruition without access to a musical instrument? 4,yS7l  
B. If offered no chance for the talent to show, gifted children with special talents may live and learn in the same situation as the other common children, the special talent can be unnoticed and become dormant forever. That is great loss for the children and for the society. P*\h)F/3}t  
C. Regarding to educational effectiveness, it is more fair and effective for all the children when they some children with special talents are identified .selected and received distinctive education. !}[,ODJ4 d  
\]a@ NBv  
216.*'Most important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another." 216. 重大的发现和发明都是偶然的:通常情况下人们为了某个问题寻找答案,但往往通过这个答案发现了另外的东西 Z WVN(U  
Admittedly, discoveries often occurs when we unexpectedly happen upon something in our quest for something else—such as an answer to unrelated question or a solution to an unrelated problem. a#_=c>h;  
However, much more important discoveries are anticipated and sought out purposefully. For instance, in their efforts to find new celestial bodies astronomers using increasingly powerful telescopes do indeed find them. Biochemists often discover important new vaccines and other biological and chemical agents for the curing, preventing, and treating diseases not by stumbling upon them in search of something else but rather through methodical search for these discoveries. GIyb0XjTw  
217"In order to produce successful original work, scholars and scientists must first study the successful work of others to learn what contributions remain to be made." 217. 为了能有更成功的作品,科学家和学者必须首先研究那些别人已经取得的成功,然后确定哪些成就是未做的但是需要做的 K:osfd  
A. No one can produce any original work without first assimilating the contributions of former generations in his or her field. |v[0(  
B. The defects of the work of other scholars and scientists are where we can possibly make our contributions. $XOs(>~"r  
C. In a large sense, what is called “original” work is usually but an improvement on the work done by previous scholars and scientists. ioZ{2kK  
?m RGFS  
218."In order for any work of art— whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people." 218. 艺术作品要有价值,不管是电影、文学还是歌曲,都必须能让大多数人们理解 42{\u08Z  
A. In a society where most people are poorly educated or even uneducated, art is a luxury that most people either have no access to or simply cannot appreciate. *G6Py,- !f  
B. Popular arts that have the largest audience do not necessarily have the highest artistic value. }K8W%h<3S  
C. Both popular arts and high-brow arts should have the right to develop and thrive. V2&O]bR  
219"Now that computer technology has made possible the rapid accessing of large amounts of factual information, people are less likely than ever to think deeply or originally. They feel unable to compete with—much less contribute to—the quantity of information that is now available electronically." 219. 现在计算机技术已经能快速地访问大量的信息,人们已经没有以前想的深了。他们感觉根本无法,也没有意义去和现在电子设备的信息量相比。 a(qij&>  
A. No one would doubt that computer technology has led us into an age of information, putting us on an unprecedented advantageous position to access and use the boundless sea of information. de&*#O5  
B. And there is no denying the possibility that we suffer from a new problem—information overload. f <,E  
C. However, we should be clear that the task of human beings today is not to compete with computer technology in terms of the quantity of information we can produce. Tgf#I*(^]  
D. We should and we can make full use of the large amounts of information available electronically for research purposes and make original contributions. 8H%-/2NW  
220"The increase in knowledge is forcing people to specialize. As a result, the distance between fields of specialization has become so vast that specialists in different areas are rarely able to influence each other." 220. 不断增长的信息迫使人们将其专业化。这样导致了不同领域之间的专业跨度太大,以至于不同领域的专家很少能够彼此沟通。 ,/XeG`vk  
A. The dramatic increase in knowledge today has made it impossible for any one to keep pace with the latest development in all academic fields. A$H;2T5N  
B. As a result, specialists in different areas tend to focus only on their own area of study. I 19 /  
C. Schools should aim at cultivating not only specialists but also generalists. z;#DX15Rj  
221."The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history." 221. 研究历史最明显的好处就是完全消除了这样的错觉,某个时代的人们与历史上另一个时代的人有很大的差别。(不确定) 'UW(0 PXw  
A. On the one hand, we learn that basic human nature—our desires and motives, as well as our fears and other basic characteristics—has remained constant over recorded time. Through this realization, we can benefit as a society in dealing more effectively with our enduring social problems. ]I+"";oQGB  
B. It is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods— in terms of cultural mores, customs, values, and ideals. ]+!{^h$  
a) the ways in which societies have treated women, ethnic minorities, animals, and the environment have continually evolved over the course of human history. b%TS37`^[  
b) Society's attitudes toward artistic expression, literature, and scientific and intellectual inquiry are also in continual state of evolution. MHm= X8eg  
C. Another problem with this statement is that it undervalue other, equally important d,c8ks(  
benefits of studying history. G>>`j2:y  
;`{PA !>  
&J <km  
222.Learning for learning's sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals." 222. 为了学习而学习已经是完全过时的理念。现在的教育是面向未来的并且有明确的目标。 ]z%X%wL  
A. The primary purpose of education is to cultivate qualified citizens and builders of a democratic society. $wQkTx  
B. Another purpose of education is to train creative workers who can fill in all the occupations of society. s%{8$> 8V.  
C. The idea of “learning for learning’s sake” does not necessarily conflict with education’s pursuit of the above purposes. O]XdPH20  
223"Education is primarily a personal matter; it has little to do with school or college." 223. 教育是个人的事情,与学校或者大学基本没有关系 {Xc^-A[~  
A. It is difficult to understand that education directly benefits the individual receivers of education. iPD5 KsAOA  
B. Furthermore, the education of an individual concerns the interests of the whole society. BotGPk><c  
C. With the dramatic increase in knowledge today, it is impossible to educate oneself without the involvement of school or college. "M GX(SQ  
224"Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified." 224. 审查制度即使曾经公平过,也是很少见的。 t7t?xk!2  
There are varieties of other definitions but all have in common the concept of withholding information and/or resources from those who seek it. Hence censorship is essential in society to eliminate discrimination on basis of race and sex, protect children, maintain stability and restore what censor sees as lost moral values. 8Moe8X#3  
Censorship wasn’t imposed properly or there weren’t strict regulations before. In the article “Hate Radio” by Patricia J. Williams, the writer says that radio was a powerful source of media. It had influenced a lot of people. The power of media can change the course of history. The host on the radio such as Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern were also influencing a lot of people. The theme was not merely the specific intolerance on hot topics as race and gender, but a much more general contempt for the world, a verbal stoning of anything different. )YKnFSm  
The Rap and Rock music has influenced a lot of youths and being subjected to these types of songs, children and teenagers are committing crimes, drinking alcohol, using drugs and forming racist or sexist opinions. Rap music is a powerful source for young people. These people are expressing the reality of their lives and their culture, which includes drug use, sexual activity and violence. Generally foul language has rapidly increased with modern popular song lyrics. #dvH0LX?  
The censorship of pornography(色情文学) has a positive effect on United States of America. Pornography leads to crime and sex discrimination and it has no positive effect on the society. Psychologist Edward Donnerstein (University of Wisconsin) found that brief exposure to violent forms of pornography can lead to anti-social attitudes and behavior. Censorship of pornography does not censor thoughts and ideas, it means that by censoring material published in the media form will bring protection to the society. j[^(<R8  
Censorship should also be imposed on the work of art if it is related to any sexually expressive materials because it shows the women as a sexual object, which will lead to gender discrimination. In the article “Perils of Pornophobia” the writer Nadine Strossen does not feel the need of censorship on the work of art. In the third paragraph she finds nothing wrong with a nude picture on the classroom wall. However, the picture will surely distract the students. The teacher and the female students feel uncomfortable.  c"pI+Q  
Hence censorship is essential in order to maintain peace and stability in the society. It will decrease the crime rates. Children can be exposed to sexual matters in school in a different manner as education. Excessive amount of sexual explicit material would surely be harmful. Censorship does not have a downside and it will be a better society 015 ;'V#we  
e(5 :XHe  
225. Most people often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else. "(85/225) 225. 即使两个事物有多么不同,有时甚至不知道这样做是有用的还是有害的,人们也经常寻找它们的相似点。我们应该就事论事,避免把它拿去和其他事物比较 #[Z1W8e  
A. On the one hand, insisting on finding similarities between things can often result in unfair, and sometimes harmful comparisons. CJDnHuozc  
1) by focusing on similarities among all big cities, we overlook the distinctive character, architecture, ethical diversity, and culture of each one. S\,~6]^T  
2) Without evaluating an individual company on its own merits and performance before buying stock of the company, only because this company is in a prosperous industry, the investor risk of choosing a poor performer e%Sw (=a  
3) Education ; ?yfw3s  
4) Racial discrimination: each individual should be evaluated on the basis of his or her own merits. t#fbagTON  
B. On the other hand, looking for similarities between things is the only way that humans can truly learn something and communicate with one another- Developmental psychologists agree that we come to understand each new thing we encounter by comparing it to something with which we are already familiar. For example, if a child encounters a blue ball, the child recognizes as blue only by way of its similarity to the sky. Furthermore, without this association and a label for the concept of blue the child cannot possibly convey the concept to another person. Thus looking for similarities between things is how we make sense of our world, as well as communicate with one another. 0wh4sKm[X  
C. To sum up, I agree that finding false similarities and drawing false analogies can be harmful. Nevertheless, human must look for similarities between things in order to learn and to communicate. YqJ `eLu  
W N5`zD$  
226. "People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront arc more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience." (86) 226. 人们错误地认为他们碰到的问题要比他们前辈碰到的问题更复杂、更具挑战性。这个错觉最终会随着知识和经验的积累消失的 E1=WH-iA0  
A. On the one hand, the speaker overlooks certain societal problems unique to today's world, which are complex and challenging in ways unlike any problems that earlier societies ever faced. The increasing interdependence—political, military, economic and environmental makes problems far more complex than analogous problems for individual nations. pX\Y:hCug  
B. On the other hand, human face certain universal and timeless problems, which are neither more nor less complex and challenging for any generation than for preceding ones. Most of these problems are the ones that spring from the tailings of human nature. 1TOT}h5  
227"To remain vigorous, any academic field needs to be led by truly independent thinkers who are willing to ignore established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumptions." 227. 为了保持活力,任何学术领域都需要有独立的思想家,这些人无视传统的已经确立的边界,敢于挑战根深蒂固的思想 _gLj(<^9  
A. There is no doubt that academic leaders should be independent thinkers. SZ;Is,VgU4  
B. However, an academic leader in any field is supposed to represent an established paradigm in that field. g }%$VUSA  
C. What might also be important is the academic leader’s ability to organize the scholars of his/her field to promote academic development. bm</qF'T6  
228. "The best way to teach—whether as an educator, employer, or parent—is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."(87) 228. 最好的教育方法,不管是作为一个教育工作者、雇主还是父母,应该是表扬积极的行为,忽视消极的行为 ; qQ* p  
A. People may not be as good as you tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter. cLZaQsS%  
B. Sharp, insulting and open criticism usually arouses animosity and confrontation, which will eventually block the communication process. Xcy Xju#"p  
C. Admittedly, unconditionally ignoring people’s negative actions is a sign of irresponsibility, which will turn out counterproductive. wa)E.(x  
oZ /z{`  
229"The best way to learn a new subject or skill is to study small segments or details in great depth rather than to start by trying to develop a sense of the whole." 229. 学习新东西最好的方法就是研究很深的细节问题,而不是从一开始就试着要了解全部 HW@r1[Y  
A. A sense of the whole subject enables us to identify the specific areas where we can make original contributions. 3YFbT Z  
B. A sense of the whole subject provides necessary background knowledge for any in-depth exploration into particular areas of that subject. #},4m  
C. Studying small segments or details in great depth would in turn contribute to our understanding of the whole subject. R)>F*GsR  
|([| F|"  
230"College students—and people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. Therefore, colleges should eliminate as many choices as possible in order to offer students clear direction." 230. 大学生和普通人都更喜欢跟随别人,而不是做出自己的决定。因此,大学应该尽可能多地减少学生的选择面,提供给他们更明确的方面 8+?|4'\`  
A. Even if college students prefer to follow directions, it is educators’ duty to help them become independent thinkers. w]% |^:  
B. To become independent thinkers, students need to learn to make choices. G2,9$8qE  
C. Offering students clear direction does not necessarily conflict with providing them with many choices. wH<'*>/  
` 465 H  
231. " Moderation in all things is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, "Moderation in most things, since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus." 231. 对所有事情的克制都是未经深思熟虑的。尽管有人会说:“大多数事情都要适度。”因为人们关心的很多领域需要或者至少得益于高密度的关注。(不确定,很别扭) moderation 适度 profit from 得益于 -Y{=bZS u  
A. Lack of moderation leads to a life out of balance. Psychologists and medical practitioners have known all along: we are at out best as humans only when we strike a proper balance between the mind, body, and spirit. The call for a balanced life is essentially a call for moderation in all things. Example: Stress associated with a high-pressure job increased one's vulnerability to heart disease and other disorders, thereby jeopardizing one's job and career. hd'JXKMy  
B. However, under some circumstances, and for some people, abandoning moderation might be well justified. Creative work necessarily involves a large measure of intense focus— a single-minded, obsessive pursuit of perfection. 8M_p'AR\,y  
1\ Moderation is attitude or rule of life that most conservative or practical people hold. I doubt if one listens to the suggestion to be moderate in all things, one could ever gain extraordinary exacting feelings or magnitude success. CZ~%qPwDw  
2\ Admittedly people could be moderate when moderate is understood as condescension, the opposite of self-righteous or sumptuous. V+Tu{fFF7E  
3\Though our life time is very limited and short for us to carry out every of our goals, it is important for us to do things with all our heart and energy and give intense focus during the process when we make our goals come true, even we may not make money from it, we surely make profit from it, and thus make our life worthy. 6]mFw{6qn1  
word might be used in writing articles S{l >|N2q  
巨大 greatness hugeness immensity largeness magnitude massiness vastness F4#^jat{  
非常 very extraordinary greatly highly in the extreme special super !e0OGf  
谦虚 condescension humility 自以为是的 self-righteous smug stuffy v!~ ;Q O  
激进 radicalness   保守的 conservative backward-looking old-fashioned Biedermeier S+LS!b  
232"The purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns." 232. 教育的目的应该是建立一个与世隔离的学术环境。这种环境是很理想的,因为这样学生们就可以不被外界干扰地研究重要的理论。 k/`WfSM\.  
1\ The ultimate purpose of education is eliciting what is inside people's mind and rather than merely inserting knowledge into people's brain. The environment which can help to realize such an purpose is needed. 6%^9`|3  
2\ the debate over which kind of environment is helpful should take fully consideration over the following factors. a) the level of the education. b) the field of the education. R|,F C'  
3\ Actually practical needs play a very important role in setting up the direction of research or higher-level education and also a momentum for such education. Pure studying of theory, which has no connection with practical use, is futile. R oY"Haa  
233. "Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning." 233. 尽管技术革新,如录像机、计算机还有因特网好像给学校提供了更好的方法来指导学生,但是这些技术经常会分散他们的注意力 Cbq|<p# #o  
A. Technological innovations offer more advanced teaching equipment, which can make teaching more efficient and more effective. _ l$1@  
B. New technology can make the learning experience more interesting and more fruitful. Fb^Ae6/i  
C. The possibility of students being distracted from learning by new teaching equipment should not be used as an excuse to prevent teachers and students from benefiting from technological progress. x392uS$#  
234. "Most people prefer restrictions and regulations to absolute freedom of choice, even though they might deny such a preference." 234. 大多数人喜欢在自由选择时有一些限制和规则,尽管有时他们会对此采取否定态度 AgU 7U/yk  
A. Freedom is precondition of any democratic society, and the desire for freedom spring from our fundamental nature as human beings. History informs us that any attempt to quell basic individual freedom— of expression, of opinion and belief, and to come and go as we please— invariably fails. h]w5N2$}?  
B. Reasonable constraints on freedom are needed to protect and preserve that freedom. Some self-imposed rules and regulations are needed to keep the freedom. 9si,z  
C. Without constraints and rules, we could not keep the democratic way of living, we would live in continual fear for our physical safety, the security of our property, and our personal reputation and dignity. .o"FT~}z  
wvu h   
235. "Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force." 235. 大多数人都被教育成认为忠诚是一种美德。但是忠诚,不管是对一个人的朋友、一所学校、受雇的公司或者其他任何机构,经常是一件坏事而不是一件好事 U*R  
A. Relationship between spouses and other exclusive pairs require some degree of trust in order to endure. Loyalty is part-and-parcel of that trust. &l| : 1  
B. Employment relationships depend on some measure of mutual loyalty, without which job attrition would run so rampant that society's economic productivity would virtually come to a halt. a=%QckR*  
C. With some mutual loyalty between a sovereign state and its citizenry there can be no security or safety from either revolt or invasion. The society would quickly devolve into anarchy or into a despotic state ordered by brute force. NW*qw q  
D. Admittedly, misguided or overextended loyalty can amount to a divisive and even Fu/{*4  
destructive force. V!3.MQM  
rf:C B&u  
236"Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things if they try hard enough is both misleading and potentially harmful." 236. 鼓励年轻人相信只要他们努力就能获得巨大成功是错误的,而且是有潜在危害的 +P//p$pE  
A. No one knows how much he or she can achieve before trying. ,TdL-a5  
B. Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things gives them confidence, which helps to bring out their potential. \@eC^D2  
C. Some of them may finally get frustrated because not every one can accomplish great things; however, every one will make progress through doing their best. ==W`qC4n?n  
237"Computers and video technology can make facsimiles of original works such as paintings and historical documents available to everyone. The great advantage of this new technology is that it will enable anyone—not just scholars—to conduct in-depth research without having access to the original works." 237. 计算机和电视技术可以在每个人面前再现许多原作,如绘画作品、历史文件等。这项新技术最大的优点就是使得每个人,而并不只是学者,无须通过原作就能对其进行深入的研究 UB7H`)C}  
A. Undoubtedly, the new technology can make paintings and historical documents available to more people, thus contributing to academic research. Z?o?"|o  
B. However, not anyone can conduct in-depth research once research sources are available. 7lJs{$ P  
C. Besides, the facsimile made by the new technology—no matter how accurate they are—can never replace the original works. { +.ai8  
g 0n 5&X  
238. "Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy." 238. 一致性经常会减少个人的创造性和能量。(不太明白) G'\x9%  
A society where conformity is the norm must be lacking in creativity and vitality. nOE 1bf^l  
A. Conformity tends to stifle curiosity and experiment, blocking the way to discovery and invention. kl90w  
B. Rebellion against established practices and authorities is the secret of success in academic as well as professional fields. ^^m3 11=  
C. However, it is necessary to conform to just laws and the long-tested moral codes, without which a society might become a plate of sands or a jungle. HNj6Iw  
239. "Much of the information that people assume is 'factual' actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a 'fact' should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future." 239. 很多人们假设为“事实”的信息实际上都是不准确的。因此,人们应该怀疑被认为是“事实”的每条信息,因为这些信息有可能在将来被证明是错误的 (H*d">`mz  
A. In the areas of natural science, the very notion of scientific progress is predicated on such scrutiny. Indeed the history of science is in large measure a history of challenges to so-called "scientific facts"—challenges which have paved the way for scientific progress. g\n0v~T+  
Examples: Copernicus paved the way for the corroborating observations of Galileo a century ago, and ultimately for Newton's principles of gravity upon which all modem science depends. eK]$8l|LI  
B. When it comes to the social sciences we should always be skeptical about what is presented to us as historical fact. Examples: Textbooks can paint distorted pictures of historic events, and of their causes and consequences, lW8!_h"G`n  
C. Admittedly, undue skepticism can be counterproductive, and even harmful. !]v&/  
240"Although it is easy to respond positively to the work of another person or group, it is far more worthwhile to give negative feedback." 240. 尽管对别人的工作给一个肯定的回应是很容易的,但是给一个否定的反馈更有意义。(有病啊?) IRxFcLk  
A. People may not be as good as we tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter. =rrbS8To=  
B. Encouragement makes people happy. " ++q. y  
C. Admittedly, honest negative feedback may help people see their weaknesses. ; {P"~(S%  
241"An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time." 241. 个人的伟大不能由与他同时代的人来客观地评价,而让将来的人评价更有意义 W,[b:[~v  
A. An individual’s contemporaries may be emotionally connected with him or her. @Q=P6Rz {S  
B. It takes time for the significance of an individual’s deeds to reveal itself. @fVCGV?'  
^6Std x_  
242"Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being." 242. 科学家应该拯救每一种植物和动物,不管这样会花费多大的代价。 hjgxCSp  
A. The history of natural evolution has witnessed the disappearance of some plants and animal species, which did not result in any harm to the environment.  EK:s#  
B. Of course, if scientists can more or less prove that the extinction of a certain plant or species will cause some disastrous chain effects, we should make every effort to save it. H(1( H0Kj"  
C. The primary responsibility of humans is to try to maintain the environment at its natural state, and then let nature do the rest job. $2M dxw5  
} #rdMh  
243. "The true value of a civilization is reflected in its artistic creations rather than in its scientific accomplishments." 243. 文明真正的价值反映在艺术家的创作上,而不是科学成就上 ~<%/)d0  
A. The first problem with the claim is that the comparative value of art and science lies largely in individual's priority. A person who is more emotional, or who has heightened aesthetic sensibilities, will tend to agree with the speaker. On the other hand, a person who is more analytical or cognitive by nature might tend to disagree. fnUR]5\tc  
B. If the value of civilization is determined by the civilization itself, then the speaker's claim begs the question. If a civilization choose to concern itself primarily with science, scientific accomplishments must be of greater value to the civilization than artistic creations. 3]X9 z  
C. If value of civilization means the extent to which artist or scientific accomplishments contribute to the quality of humans' lives, the claim flies in the face of history. It is undeniable that better living is achieved primarily through science. G|p3NhLgO=  
244"Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when they claim to admire them." 244. 很多社会并不重视思想家,即使社会宣称很景仰这些思想家。 Eoj 2l&\  
A. Confucius is regarded as a great thinker in China, but today few people including scholars pay much attention to what he actually said. CulU?-[i  
B. John Dewey was one of the greatest thinkers in American history, but few Americans including scholars know much about him. iE |qU_2Y  
C. In ancient Greece, the great thinker Socrates was sentenced to death. 8"#Ix1#  








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